Cutting Edge Realtime Monitoring

The Vanguard system has been designed to monitor the basic functions of a patrolling security guard and in the event that he or she deviates from a laid down procedure, the system will automatically inform a responsible person so that action can be taken.

Each Vanguard System is monitored by our cloud-based servers using the GPRS data network. All signals received are processed and where necessary an alert is sent to control room’s using our “On-Line Control Room” system or a “Supervisor App”. The information, including the controllers action is then up-loaded to the internet where it can be viewed at any time and is visible on the reports the following morning.

At approximately 6:00 am our servers scan the data from the previous 24 hours and generates summary and detailed reports that are sent via Email to interested parties.

Alerts for the following:
Failed to Start Patrol
Did Not Visit any Points
Missed Points
Patrolled too Quickly
Missing Guard
MAN Down
Supervisor Request

Extra Features
Automatic On and Off Duty
Communication with the guard via “GSM” or “Push To Talk”
Historical Patrol Routes Displayed using GPS data
Built in camera

Please contact us should you like to enquire about the Vanguard product.


    Contact us today and let us help you find the right reliable solution to your unique guarding challenges.